Enhancing Clarity in Thought and Communication

Facilitating radically improved outcomes for critical business functions

Team Performance

Teams identify factors impeding the achievement of key goals and develop a plan to accelerate attainment.

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Cultural Alignment

Teams identify where they are not in sync with organizational values and collaborate on steps to create alignment.

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Mitigating Cognitive Bias

Participants identify where bias is negatively impacting their work and then develop a plan for mitigation.

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Weighted Scorecard Development

Weighted scorecards are used to mitigate cognitive bias that negatively impacts an organization’s ability to make sound decisions about potential initiatives.

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Risk Identification & Mitigation

Stakeholders evaluate risk factors for proposed projects and create an initial mitigation plan.

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Product Strategy

This will be text on product strategy.

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Participants generate new approaches to realize strategic goals.

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Teams identify where they are not in sync with organizational values and then collaborate on a strategy to create alignment.

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Team members first identify key goals and the factors that are impeding their achievement. They then generate actions that can be taken to address challenges and accelerate progress. Results from multiple teams can be rolled up to provide a 360° organizational view.

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